Reiki Training
Upcoming Workshop: Level 1
Date: To be Announced
Location: Julie's home, near Grand Valley, ON
This one-day introductory level of Reiki will be a mixture of classroom lecture and discussion, and lots of practice (following the attunement process).
Topics covered will include:
- What is Reiki?
- Origins and history of Reiki
- Reiki Ideals/Precepts
- Attunement to Reiki I
- Learning how to give self-Reiki
- Learning how to give and send Reiki to others
- Hands-on practice giving Reiki to fellow students
The complete manual "Reiki - The Healing Touch", Reiki I and II will be included in the course fee, and will be a reference manual throughout the day.
Upon completion of the course, a Reiki I certificate will be issued.
Here's what Julie's students had to say:
"Yesterday was a wonderful day . I felt really blessed from the moment I came into your new teaching / healing room. Your teaching was easy to follow and the experience was all so good,... and needed. I'm enjoying the special rose quartz crystal gift which you were so beautiful to think to give each of us. I finished my evening with the scented salts bath while thinking back over each part of the day and the blessings of the learning, sharing between us all, and the receiving of our attunement. Thank you Julie! " - RK
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"I want to thank you again for being such a wonderful teacher! I absolutely loved this training! What an awesome experience to witness myself and everyone open themselves up to the universal love of Reiki. I am looking forward to my upcoming Level II Class." - Elisabeth S, Belwood
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"Thank you very much for opening your home to us students. For me, you are an excellent teacher. You inspired me to feel relaxed, confident and uplifted. The experience was profound! I am already looking forward to my level II. Thank you Julie!" - Lisete RB
Level II
Date to be announced!
Reiki Level II
This will be a full day certification course, with a mixture of lecture and lots of time to practice.
(Pre-requsite : Reiki Level I)
Course material will include:
- Learning the the Reiki II symbols
- Attunement to Reiki II
- Using Reiki for emotional and mental healing
- Sending distance Reiki
- Clearing spaces using Reiki
- Hands-on practice to ensure you are confident with all the techniques taught
Upon completion of the course, a Reiki II certificate will be issued.
Reiki Shares
Julie hosts a monthly share at her home and invites all practitioners, students and interested people to attend, no matter what lineage or form of Reiki they practice.
The share starts with introductions by those attending, followed by a guided meditation, and then everyone takes turns giving Reiki ( intuited energy, for those not attuned to Reiki yet). Everyone will receive Reiki for approximately 15 minutes, depending on how many attend. Often, there are 3-4 people giving Reiki at the same time to the person receiving. Amazing.
Light refreshments provided.
NEXT SHARE: Tuesday, April 14 7-9 pm
Donation: Any heart offering you feel resonates with you, monetary or otherwise.