Julie Baumlisberger

Welcome, friends!
Hello July!  Summer has finally arrived, and we are all looking forward to being outdoors for as much as we can, and stayinup late to enjoy the stars, bonfires and get togethers!  As always, you can find this month's  Newsletter under the Monthly Newsletter tab.

Scroll to the bottom of the page for June Events, please.

Look to the stars to discover your roots, your true, divinely-created, unique self. Be nurtured and seen as you are, so that you can live your life, expressing your gifts. I am here to witness you, to see you, to understand you, and to give you the stable foundation from which you can launch.”

Up until a short time ago, I didn’t know who I was any more. I knew I could “do” all these “things”, had all these skills, but I didn’t know the best way to use them. I wanted to be connected to the right people, to inspire them, and to improve their lives. More importantly, I didn’t realize that I had divine “permission” to JUST be my self. That I could release expectations of others, that I could stop comparing myself to others, that I could surrender to just BEING.

What I discovered is that if I live according to my divine blueprint, so to speak, if I live my life in the way I am designed to, miracles happen. Slowly, but surely, as I stopped chasing after things, I started attracting abundance, community, and so much love and joy. And it’s just the beginning of my journey.

There were many obstacles and lessons to be learned along the way, some more challenging than others: forgiveness, trust, surrender, and more. But I have an amazing tool kit to use, which includes aromatherapy, energy healing, meditation, breath work, resilience practices, and the sage wisdom I have discovered in myself. I have a deep knowing now that I am here for a reason.

I know that everything I was looking for outside of myself was actually inside me all along. That I was born with everything I need to live a life of joy and ease.

I am grateful for the encouragement and insights of everyone who saw in me what I didn’t see myself. “You should be a coach”, my bestie told me. “You make me feel safe”, said another friend. “You see me”, said a workshop participant.

“Astro Roots” is an offering to work together with you. We’ll use tools like Human Design and astrology to discover your unique blueprint and gifts. We’ll look at blocks or challenges you may have and work through them. We’ll work together to solidify your beliefs, to set deep roots within yourself, so that you can grow and shine your light.

I am grateful and inspired to help you if you feel called to work with me. 

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