Julie Baumlisberger


Okay, so what happened to June??? If you're like me, in between the rain showers, the gardens exploding with colour and all the extra yard work, we had some amazing events last month....but it's now July! At least the good thing is that here in the Northern Hemisphere, we still have at least two glorious months to enjoy summer!

As many of you know, our daughter was married at our home on June 22. Despite some light showers (after the ceremony and photos, fortunately), we had a magical day, with delicious food and drink, some dancing and even a bonfire. We couldn't have done it without help from the bridal party, family members and a few other good friends who helped pitch in before and during the special day. We were all truly blessed and wish the newlyweds and little Beau many years of love, prosperity and good health!

We've been busy haying at the farm, again trying to work in between the rains, and although we said we were going to just chill out and relax before Coming Home Festival in August, we do have a few fun things to share with you.

A quick last-minute shindig popped up for this coming Saturday, with our friend, Tom Wolf, and the Every Other Friday band playing at our place. They are incredible musicians, entertaining performers, and have been friends since their high school days. The "real" boys of summer! Feel free to arrive at 4:30 for a bit of a social, bring potluck offerings for 5:30, and the music will start at 7:30 (approximately). Lots of songs you'll know and will be singing along to! Bring your own lawn chair or blanket, food offerings and bevvies, plus plates and cutlery. There will be a donation box for the boys if you want to contribute, but no tickets. Maybe just email me here to RSVP so we know how many to expect. And if the weather looks a bit wet, we'll set up one of our big event tents so it's on, rain or shine!

We have two drum circles this month, on July 12 and July 26. Arrive any time after 6:30, we start the lesson with Tom at 7 pm, and the potluck follows right afterwards. Bring food and bevvies, cutlery and plates are provided. Each month we get better and better...and it's always fun, whether you're a novice or have been drumming for years. Please bring your own drum, if possible, or message me if you need to borrow one or are looking for where to buy one.

On Saturday, July 20, we are hosting our third Cedar Woods Speakers Series set of workshops.... and we think it may be the best one yet! Peter Turrell will be presenting on the energy of cymatics and radionics, Barbara Dametto from Breathe True Yoga in Guelph will be guiding us with Mantra Chanting Through the 7 Chakras, and we finish up with an incredible sound bath from Justine Sanderson and Jay Robinson from Collingwood (aka Lotus Sound) Again, it's a free event, with a donation box, and we just ask that you RSVP with how many will be in your party (to this address). It's going to be outside, again rain or shine. Plus, afterwards we'll have an extra special potluck for Ralph's birthday, which is on the 23rd! A fun day, to be sure! Details are all in the poster, plus watch my social medias for information on our presenters over the next week or so.

A reminder of the very special benefit for our friend, Michael Dragoman, on Sunday, July 28. Please see the poster for details. And that's a wrap for July.

August is all about the Coming Home Festival, August 9, 10 & 11. Tickets are going fast, so make sure you get yours at https://cominghomefestival.com/2024-tickets Hope to see you some time soon! With much gratitude and love, Julie


June will always be the most beautiful month in the gardens, in my opinion, a time of lush growth and blooming, of everything finally being fully awake and thriving...the penultimate month for a wedding! And in the last 40 years, I've learned that it is also "first cut hay" season, lol.

The event of the year is fast approaching, as our family prepares to celebrate a very special wedding at our home for our daughter, Natalie, and her fiance, Chad. We've been busy organizing and putting in all the finishing touches to help create a magical, beautiful day for the young couple.

But before we get there, let's take a last look at May. We hosted another successful Cedar Woods event. (All our participants will be receiving an email this week with the links and pdfs from our speakers.) As well, that same evening, we enjoyed a new take on a Buck and Doe celebration with Farmer OIympics. Oh my, how we laughed!! And Ralph and I closed off the month by watching some of our dear musician friends performing with the Boomerang Band at the gorgeous High Country Church events barn. (Visit the website to catch some of their upcoming performances, including one in Shelburne. Great soul, R&B, you'll be singing along and getting up to dance! https://www.boomerangband.ca/gigs-events )

Now, onto June...

Experience a Soulshiney day at Cedar Woods on Station in Amaranth, filled with captivating workshops, enriching music, and home-cooked delights courtesy of the Soulshine Kitchen crew. The Vibe team is creating a grand adventure for families to play throughout the property for the afternoon. The Elixir Bar and Foraging teams are gathering ingredients to make hot and cold nourishing drinks for our enjoyment. And Ralph and I have been very busy planting and tending our gardens to enhance the beauty of the space. It's been a delight to work with the organizers. Everyone is coming together for an unforgettable day designed to nourish your mind, body and soul. Passes available at soulshinefestival.ca/social4. Camping is an option, so grab your pass today! Tickets will be $10 more at the gate.

The Summer Big Beat with Gary Diggins and the Bhadra Collective will be on Saturday, June 22, and the University of Guelph. See the poster for more details. It's an incredible experience, and so much fun with community.

We're having one drumming circle this month, on Friday, June 28. (Of course, if you come to the Soulshine Social, you'll have the opportunity to play with Tom Wolf as he leads a drum circle at the end of the night)

July is still a month away, but as we all know, summer gets busy fast, as we try to make the most of the long days and plentiful opportunities to celebrate with friends and family. Please mark your calendars for 2 special events. Our next Cedar Woods Speaker Event on July 20 (this will be outdoors and all about sound and frequency...so music will be included! More details later)

As well, our community is pulling together to support a dear friend, Michael Dragoman, through his journey of healing through a rare form of leukemia. This will be a powerful, loving gathering, with music, a silent auction, holistic practitioners and more. The date is July 28, from 2-6 pm, at the Puslinch Community Centre. More details are on the poster.

I hope we'll get to see you at some of these wonderful gatherings!

With much love and gratitude,


I am hoping that April showers are starting to bring you some May flowers ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿชบ๐ŸŒฑ Rain notwithstanding, I bring you a beautiful "bouquet" of great news and events! ๐Ÿ’ Let's dive in!

Last month was pretty intense for many people, with lots of colds and bugs going around, the Great Eclipse, and of course, the daily heartbreak coming from global events and wars. I am grateful that many of us were able to gather together during this time. When we share our problems, they seem to diminish, and when we share our joy and happiness, everything seems brighter, no? We had a very successful inaugural Cedar Woods Speakers event, and are ready to announce our next one! (Thank you to everyone who came out, and especially to our two presenters.)

May promises to be a lighter month, according to the astrologists, and I hope you will enjoy some of the fun offerings I am including here. We start with our drumming circle this Friday, May 3, and another two weeks later, on May 17. Always something to learn, always fun, and always delicious. Bring your drum, a $20 donation for Tom and a potluck offering!

Next up, I want to share that there will be an amazing Bhadra Beat on Sunday, at 3 pm in Conestogo. If you've never been, it's an incredible experience of dancing, drumming and dreaming.

Our next Cedar Woods Speakers Event on May 25 is "The Future of Health". We are now officially in the Age of Aquarius, with technology and innovation bringing us new ways to look at healing. We are so excited to have Dr.Jen Hewson coming to share her own profound healing journey, and to tell us about quantum healing. This is going to be fascinating! Of course, we can't talk about the new way without honouring the old ways. People are becoming disenchanted with the pharma-focused health care model, and are looking for remedies that won't have detrimental effects, or cost a fortune. Even better, many remedies can be found in our homes or in our gardens. My dear friend, Nicole Lalonde, and I will each be presenting. We'll have some handouts, but bring your notebooks, too! We anticipate a larger group to join us, and will have a large tent set up outside (if needed). Bring a lawn chair, if you can. Potluck is an option for those who want to continue their conversations over food and drink. (Please bring your own plates and cutlery). There may even be a bonfire.... ;) As with our first event, there will be a box for donations to support the presenters, and refreshments.

(Because summer is a busy time for many, you can mark Saturday, July 20 down as the NEXT Speakers event, with a super vibe theme. Stay tuned!)

For those who love the groovy Gary Diggins, the fabulous Fyl Bennett and the terrific Tom Wolf...you can catch them in a night of music with the other members of Boomerang, in Mono. The vintage R&B music will have you out of your chairs and dancing! We'll see you there!

Next month, we are hosting a social from our Soulshine Family on Saturday, June 8. Tickets are Early Bird priced until May 8, and there is SO much to pack in one day! Three workshops, face painting, a scavenger hunt, clothing swap, and more... PLUS there will be a Bhadra Beat for another opportunity to dance, drum and dream! Please go to the website for more information and to purchase your tickets. https://soulshinefestival.ca/

And although our Coming Home Festival is not until August 9-11th, you have the opportunity to meet and get to know our performers through our Music Monday Series on Instagram, with Christine LaRock. Be sure to follow us on IG and catch the chats at 12 noon. You'll even get to hear a song or two, live! Of course, a limited number of tickets are already on sale on the website at https://cominghomefestival.com/ so clear that August weekend and come home to all the beautiful music, healing and

Are you excited for May and summer, now? If you have any questions, or would like to RSVP for our Speakers Event or Drumming night, please send an email to juliebaumlisberger@posteo.net  and I'll be happy to help you out.

With much love and gratitude, Julie


A new season is, indeed, upon us!

Spring: noun, a season of new beginnings, renewal and growth, a chance to start anew. Many astrologists call our Spring Equinox the actual New Year, as everything wakes from its winter slumber, ready to spring forth with excitement and new energy. The return of our birds and a few brave spring flowers are helping to make it feel like the start of something new. At the farm, one of our daughter's mares had a handsome little colt last on Easter weekend. Life is springing forth everywhere, in all its glory. Things are stirring up, pushing through the old leftovers from last year...

On a personal note, I just started a 6-week online course tailored for Projectors (in Human Design). It's as if I've come home to a place where everyone understands my inner workings and my challenges and I'm finding out so much about how I can live even more authentically. The blueprint is amazing! I continue to focus with more clarity on my offerings, and am grateful for everyone who chose to sign up for an Astro Roots Discovery, or to come in for some healing treatments last month.

This month I am offering a new promotion for an aromatherapy treatment specifically formulated to support alignment with your purpose. I will be adding Reiki to help the energy of the oils to flow. This package is specially priced at $40 until the end of the month. Please feel free to contact me for more details or to book your appointment.

Some happy news is that Ralph and I have finally agreed on a name for our home and property, where we enjoy hosting many gatherings. Inspired by the cedar forest below us and the railway that once was there, our location will now be named "Cedar Woods on Station". This is also a reference to Station Street, which is part of our address. I've already gotten used to the sound of "Cedar Woods", and hope that it will be familiar to many when they talk about something they are attending here. Let me know what you think of our name!

Speaking of which, we are launching our new Speakers Series on the afternoon of April 20. We have two separate presentations that will provide our community with lots of information about electroculture, paramagnetics and another on tiny homes and other small living spaces. There will be two 90-minute sessions that will include a Q&A period, with a break in between for light refreshments. A donation basket will be there for your contributions. More information will be available on my website soon, with details about our speakers and the format. Because this first event will be held indoors, seating space is limited, and will be requesting RSVP's to reserve spots. Stay tuned!

Outside, our pond is slowly warming up, but still well below 50 degrees (iykyn), so I am taking advantage of that refreshing temperature to continue cold plunging. ๐Ÿ’ฆ Our next "Huff & Puff" event will be on Saturday, April 13, with breath work, meditation, a dip in the pond, bonfire and pot luck lunch. Our last gathering was very empowering as our participants were encouraged to look within for grounding and resilience. Everyone appreciated the time we spent sharing our intentions and previous experiences, with open hearts. The feeling of support was palpable, and I learned a new word, sangha, which means "community" in Sanskrit. Lots of hugs and deep conversations. Book your spot ASAP, please.

Spring and Summer Festival Season is upon us, yay! Our beautiful Coming Home family now has the opportunity to get their tickets, they go on sale TODAY! ๐Ÿฅณ ( www.cominghomefestival.com/2024-tickets ) Check out the website for the amazing lineup of performers, photos of our previous festivals, and of course, to get your ticket!

And finally, because so many people are interested, I'm sharing that we have one drumming circle lesson night this month, on Friday, April 19.๐Ÿช˜ If you have a djembe and would like to join us, please contact me for further details. (Sometimes there may be a spare djembe, so reach out) There is one more big, exciting and wonderful event that I will be sharing very soon. You'll just have to wait a day or two for that one!

I hope you have found something in this newsletter that has piqued your interest and that you will be able to join us at Cedar Woods for one or more events or healing sessions!

With much love and gratitude, Julie


Hello, my friend! It's time to grab something to sip on and catch up with everything I've been up to...and planning for this month!

As many of you know, I've been working hard the last few months, honing in on how I can best serve you. Huge thanks to my coaching group led by the wonderful Kris Long, where I have been able to create a framework for myself, learning how I can provide community, lead others and help them step into a life of joy and ease. I feel so much clarity now, more confident, and so very, flipping excited! As well, learning more about Human Design and astrology is a continuing enlightening area of study for me. The more I learn, the more "aha" moments I have.

The big news I want to share is my brand new "Astro Roots" program, which is all about looking to the stars (via astrology) to discover your roots , and to get a grounded and stable foundation. Once I create a Discovery report for you, it's up to you how you'd like to proceed. Maybe you'd like to have a consultation with me, to get a few more details and more confirmation that you are already everything you need to be. There may be some blocks that are preventing you from truly embodying your true self, in which case we can try aromatherapy (with blends or aromatherapy treatments), with energy healing (Reiki), or maybe you just need to be immersed in a supportive community to really thrive! More details and pricing will be available shortly. In the meantime, you can read why I absolutely knew that this program is exactly what I am meant to be doing right now on my website, www.juliebaumlisberger.com

I am also extremely happy to be hosting a wonderful upcycling โœ‚๏ธ workshop with my dear friend, Nicole Lalonde on Sunday March 10, from 1-4 p;m. She is uber creative and a skilled upcyler, and will be showing us how we can take a well-loved (aka worn or outdated) jacket and create a new item for our Spring wardrobe. You bring the jacket, and we will supply everything else, from trimmings to embroidery floss and buttons, plus some fun patches. Nicole will show us some basic mending and sewing techniques, and there will be a sewing machine available. As the trend to reuse and limit our waste continues, this is a great skill-building workshop, I hope you can join us. This workshop is suitable for novices and experienced seamstresses alike! Class size is limited, RSVP to this email please.

Of course, life isn't all work and no play! In February, Ralph and I hosted our inaugural Wildfire Adventure, with 18 participants. ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿงกโ„๏ธ๐Ÿ”ฅ Our two guides, Ariel Benavidez and Chris (CK) Kelly, helped us navigate through cold and heat, and we supported each other so beautifully! Our limiting beliefs were absolutely shattered in the pond, we feasted on a delicious pot luck meal, and had an incredible day. Our next event is scheduled for Saturday, March 30. Registration will be open very soon, and I suggest you let me know ASAP if you are interested, as it will fill up very quickly again!

I always love supportiing my larger community, and am inviting you to the next Big Beat, hosted by Gary Diggins, on Saturday, March 23, in Guelph. ๐ŸŽท๐Ÿช˜๐ŸŽธ๐ŸŽบ๐Ÿ’ƒ We dance (to the Bhadra Collective's music), we drum our djembes (with Tom Wolf), and then we all dream (on our yoga mats while the musicians and a few friends create a soothing soundscape for us to enjoy). Tickets are available for $40, details in the poster.

Finally, although summer is months away, it's time to start thinking about the Coming Home Festival 2024!โ˜ฎ๏ธ We will be hosting this wonderful event for the third year on our beautiful property, and on Friday, March 15, the Submissions Portal opens! We're looking for Artisans, Holistic Practitioners, Small Business Vendors, Volunteers, and Workshop Facilitators! Go to www.cominghomefestival.com to apply.

Phew! There is SO much to look forward to! Again, thank you for your interest and support, as always! I do hope I'll be able to connect with you soon at one of these fun events!

In love and gratitude ๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ


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